Research articles, books 2008

Aiyar S., Dalgaard C.-J., Moav O.: 'Technological progress and regress in pre-industrial times'. Journal of Economic Growth 13(2), pp. 125-144, June 2008. 

Alt J. E., Lassen D. D.: 'Political and judicial checks on corruption: evidence from American state governments'. Economics & Politics 20(1), pp. 33-61, March 2008. 

Amundsen E. S., Mortensen J. B.: 'Markeder i klimapolitikken'. Samfundsøkonomen 4, pp. 31-35, september 2008.

Andersen T. B., Harr T.: Franchise Values, Regulatory Monitoring, and Capital Requirements in Optimal Bank Regulation. Journal of Emerging Market Finance 7(1), pp. 81-101, January 2008. 

Arndt C., Benfica R., Maximiano N., Nucifora A., Thurlow J.: 'Higher Fuel and Food Prices: Impacts and Responses for Mozambique'. Agricultural Economics 39(s1), pp. 497-511, November 2008. 

Arndt C., Tarp F.: 'Trade Policy Reform and the Missing Revenue'. Journal of African Economies 17(1), pp. 131-160, January 2008. 

Audenaert, K, Cai, L & Hansen, F 2008, 'Inequalities for quantum skew information', Letters in Mathematical Physics, vol. 85, nr. 2-3, s. 135-146

Barslund M., Tarp F.: 'Formal and Informal Rural Credit in Four Provinces of Vietnam'. Journal of Development Studies 44(4), pp. 485-503, May 2008.

Bec F., Rahbek A. C., Shephard N.: 'The ACR Model: A Multivariate Dynamic Mixture Autoregression'. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 70(5), pp. 583-618, October 2008. 

Bec, F, Rahbek, AC & Ben Salem, M 2008, 'Purchasing power parity: A nonlinear multivariate perspective', Economics Bulletin, vol. 6, nr. 39, s. 1-6. 

Bennedsen M., Kongsted H. C., Nielsen K. M.: 'The causal effect of board size in the performance of small and medium-sized firms'. Journal of Banking and Finance 32(6), pp. 1098-1109, June 2008. 

Berglof E., Burkart M., Friebel G., Paltseva E.: 'Widening and Deepening: Reforming the European Union'. American Economic Review 98(2: Papers and Proceedings) , pp. 133-137, May 2008. 

Bergmann U. M.: 'Finnish and Swedish business cycles in a global context'. International Economics and Economic Policy 5(1-2), pp. 49-69, July 2008. 

Bovenberg L., Hansen M. I., Sørensen P. B.: 'Individual savings accounts for social insurance: rationale and alternative designs'. International Tax and Public Finance 15(1), pp. 67-86, February 2008. 

Chanda A., Dalgaard C.-J.: Dual economies and international total factor productivity differences: Channelling the impact from institutions, trade, and geography. Economica 75(300), pp. 629-661, November 2008. 

Cirera X., Arndt C.: 'Measuring the Impact of Road Rehabilitation on Spatial Market Efficiency in Maize Markets in Mozambique'. Agricultural Economics 39(1), pp. 17-28, July 2008. 

Dalgaard C.-J.: 'Donor policy rules and aid effectiveness'. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 32(6), pp. 1895-1920, June 2008. 

Dalgaard C.-J., Olsson O.: 'Windfall gains, political economy and economic development'. Journal of African Economies 17(Supplement 1), pp. 72-109, March 2008. 

Davis J., Keiding H.: 'Incentive contracts with unobservable competence levels'. The Open Economics Journal 1, pp. 47-54, 2008. 

Eggert W., Sørensen P. B.: 'The effects of tax competition when politicians create rents to buy political support'. Journal of Public Economics 92(5-6), pp. 1142-1163, June 2008. 

Eissa N., Kleven H. J., Kreiner C. T.: 'Evaluation of four tax reforms in the United States: Labor supply and welfare effects for single mothers'. Journal of Public Economics 92(3-4), pp. 795-816. April 2008. 

Ejrnæs M., Persson K. G., Rich S.: 'Feeding the British: Convergence and market efficiency in the 19th century grain trade'. Economic History Review 61(1), pp. 140-171, August 2008. 

Fehr E., Tyran J.-R.: 'Limited Rationality and Strategic Interaction: The Impact of the Strategic Environment on Nominal Inertia'. Econometrica 76(2), pp. 353-394, March 2008. 

Frisell L., Lagerlöf J. N. M.: 'Eliciting Demand Information through Cheap Talk: An Argument in Favor of a Ban on Price Discrimination'. Economics Letters 99(3), pp. 421-424, June 2008. 

Groth Chr.: 'Debatten om stabilitets- og vækstpagten'. Samfundsøkonomen 1, s. 42-48, marts 2008. 

Hansen F.: 'Metric adjusted skew information'. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) 105(29), pp. 9909-9916, July 2008. 

Hendry D. F., Johansen S., Santos C.: 'Automatic selection of indicators in a fully saturated reression'. Computational Statistics 23(2), pp. 317-335, April 2008. 

Henriksen I.: 'The contribution of agriculture to economic growth in Denmark, 1870-1939'. In: Lains & Pinilla (eds.), Agriculture and Economic Development in Europe since 1870, pp. 117-147. Routledge, September 2008. 

Hoover K. D., Johansen S., Juselius K.: 'Allowing the Data to Speak Freely: The macroeconometrics of the Cointegrated Vector Autoregression'.  American Economic Review 98(2), pp. 251-255, May 2008. 

Hougaard, JL & Tind, J 2008, 'Cost allocation and convex data envelopment', European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 194, nr. 3, s. 939-947

Jensen H., Sørensen P. N., Whitta-Jacobsen H. J. (eds.): 'Dynamic Macroeconomic Theory: Special issue'. Macroeconomic Dynamics 21(S1), pp 1-147, April 2008. 

Jespersen S. T.,  Munch J. R., Skipper L.: 'Costs and benefits of Danish active labour market programmes'. Labour Economics 15(5), pp. 859-884, October 2008. 

Johansen S.: 'A representation theory for a class of vector autoregressive models for raktional processes'. Econometric Theory 24(3), pp. 651-676, June 2008. 

Johansen S., Swensen A. R.: 'Exact rational expectations, cointegration, and reduced rank regression'. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 138(9), pp. 2738-2748, September 2008. 

Johansen, S 2008, 'Reduced Rank Regression', I Durlauf, SN & Blume, LE (red.), The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. 2 udg., Macmillan. 

Jones S.: 'Sustaining growth in the long term.' In: Clément & Peiris (eds.): Post-stabilization economics in Sub-Saharan Africa: Lessons from Mozambique. Washington DC: IMF, 2008.

Jones S., Tarp F.: 'Foreign Aid and the Bottom Billion'. IDS In Focus 3, art. 12, March 2008.

Kaiser U., Kongsted H. C.: 'True versus spurious state dependence in firm performance: The case of German exports'. Empirical Economics 35(2), pp. 207-228, September 2008. 

Keiding H., Skovgaard R.: 'A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Fistula Treatment in the Abdominal Region Using a New Integrated Fistula and Wound Management System'. Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing 35(6), pp. 592-595, November/December 2008. 

Keiding H., Hildebrandt P., Alemao E., Davies G. M.: 'Omkostningseffektivitet i det danske sundhedsvæsen ved ezetemibe koadministration med simvastatin'. Ugeskrift for Læger 170(26), pp. 2323-2326, juni 2008. 

Keiding, H & Færgeman, O 2008, 'Økonomiske konsekvensberegninger og tilskudsregler - belyst ved et eksempel', Ugeskrift for læger, vol. 170, nr. 8, s. 651-654. 

Keiding H.: 'On the expected number of economic equilibria'. International Journal of Contemporary Mathrematical Sciences 3(9-12), pp. 425-434, 2008. 

Lee S., McCann D., Torm N. E.: 'The World Bank's "Employing Workers" index: Findings and critiques - A review of recent evidence'. International Labour Review 147(4) , pp 416-432, 2008.

Linaa J., Grinderslev D., Sørensen P. B.: 'Finanspolitik og konjunkturer'. Samfundsøkonomen 1, s. 20-27, marts 2008. 

Maenner E.: 'Adaptation and complexity in repeated games'. Games and Economic Behavior 63(1), pp. 166-187, May 2008. 

Malchow-Møller N., Munch J. R., Schroll S., Skaksen J. R.: Attitudes towards immigration: perceived consequences and economic self-interest. Economics Letters 100(2), pp. 254-257, August 2008. 

Markeprand T. E.: 'On financial equilibrium with intermediation costs'. Journal of Mathematical Economics 44(2), pp. 148-156, January 2008.

Markussen T.: 'Property rights, productivity and common property resources'. World Development 36 (11), pp. 2277-2296, November 2008. 

Mortensen J. B., Pedersen L. H.: 'Gode intentioner, men plads til forbedringer i klimapolitikken'. Samfundsøkonomen 4, pp. 25-30, september 2008. 

Munch J. R., Skaksen J. R.: 'Human capital and wages in exporting firms'. Journal of International Economics 75(2), pp. 363-372, July 2008. 

Munch J. R., Skipper L.: 'Program participation, labor force dynamics, and accepted wage rates'. Advances in Econometrics 21, pp. 197-262, 2008. 

Munch J. R., Rosholm M., Svarer M.: 'Home ownership, job duration, and wages'. Journal of Urban Economics 63(1), pp. 130-145, January 2008. 

Møller N. F.: 'Bridging Economic Theory Models and the Cointegrated Vector Autoregressive Model.' Economics 2(2008-36), 29 p., December 2008. 

Newman C., Tarp F., Van den Broeck K., Chu Q. T., Luu K. D.: 'Household Savings in Vietnam: Insights from a 2006 Rural Household Survey'. Vietnam Economic Management Review 3(1), pp. 34-40, 2008. 

Newman, C, Tarp, F, Van Den Broeck, K, Chu Tien, Q & Luu Duc, K 2008, 'Land Use Rights and Productivity', Vietnam Economic Management Review, vol. 3, nr. 2, s. 66-71. 

Nielsen H. B.: 'Influential observations in cointegrated VAR models: Danish money demand 1973–2003'. The Econometrics Journal 11(1), pp. 39-57, March 2008. 

Olesen M. N.: 'New Problems and Solutions in Basic University Teaching.' Forum on Public Policy, Summer 2008. 

Ottaviani M., Sørensen P. N.: 'The Favorite-Longshot Bias: An Overview of the Main Explanations'. In: Hausch D., Ziemba W. T. (eds.), Handbook of Sports and Lottery Markets, pp. 83-101. North Holland, September 2008. 

Persson K. G.: 'The Malthus delusion'. European Review of Economic History 12(2), pp. 165-173, July 2008. 

Rand J., Tarp F., Tran C. T., Nguyen T. T.: 'SME Access to Credit'. Vietnam Economic Management Review 3(1), pp. 53-60, 2008. 

Rand J., Tarp F., Tran C. T., Nguyen T. T.: 'SME Fringe Benefits Provision'. Vietnam Economic Management Review 3(2), pp. 49-55, 2008. 

Schjerning B., Sørensen A.: 'Productivity measurement in manufacturing and the expenditure approach'. Review of International Economics 16(2), pp. 327-340, May 2008. 

Schultz C.: 'Information, polarization and term length in democracy'. Journal of Public Economics 92(5-6), pp. 1078-1091, June 2008. 

Strulik H., Weisdorf J.: 'Population, food, and knowledge: a simple unified growth theory'. Journal of Economic Growth 13(3), pp. 195-216, September 2008. 

Tarp F.: 'foreign aid'. In: The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Online. Second ed. Eds. Steven N. Durlauf and Lawrence E. Blume. Palgrave Macmillan, March 2008.

Weisdorf J. L.:  'Malthus revisited: Fertility decision making based on quasi-linear preferences'. Economics Letters 99(1), pp. 127-130, April 2008. 

Wengström E. R.: 'Price competition, level-k theory and communication'. Economics Bulletin 3(66), 15 p., October 2008.