For applicants

PhD students at the Department of Economics have gone through an application process before the have enrolled as a PhD students.

A PhD study can be financed by a scholarship from the University of Copenhagen, or by external funds. In the latter case, the student must independently raise the funds, e.g. from a research council or via an employer.

Notice that the PhD programme at the University of Copenhagen builds on a Master's degree in Economics (or for the 4+4 Programme a Bachelor in Economics plus one full year of Master's studies in Economics). 

You can get the application forms and information about the application procedure at the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Before applying, we advise you to contact the faculty member whom you would like to become your supervisor.















































































PhD scholarships

Vacant PhD scholarships in Economics are announced once a year, with application deadlines at around March 1.

Read more and find application form

Read more about the PhD scholarships of Danmarks Nationalbank