Behavioral responses to health innovations and the consequences for socioeconomic outcomes

Researchers and the industry produce new knowledge, treatments, and technologies that constantly improve the population's health. But the benefits of the health innovations are unequally distributed. New health technologies spread at different pace across different groups in society, seeming to benefit better-educated groups more and thus allowing them to be more productive, work for longer periods, and invest more to finance an extended period of healthy retirement. This continuously growing gap in health is a challenge for society that the research team from the Department of Economics at the University of Copenhagen will shed light on over the next 4 years.

Mette Gørtz is the principal investigator in close collaboration with the leaders of two of the project's work packages, Miriam Gensowski and Torben Heien Nielsen, as well as a number of other colleagues from both the University of Copenhagen and abroad.

Watch this short video about the research project.


Name Title Job responsibilities Image
Search in Name Search in Title Search in Job responsibilities
Claus Thustrup Kreiner Professor Public Finance, Public Policy, Inequality, Labor Supply, Consumption Behavior Billede af Claus Thustrup Kreiner
Ida Lykke Kristiansen Postdoc Health economics, family economics, child development inequality, applied microeconometrics Billede af Ida Lykke Kristiansen
Mette Ejrnæs Professor Applied Micro Econometrics; Income/earnings Processes; Consumption; Foster Care and Unemployment Insurance Billede af Mette Ejrnæs
Mette Gørtz Professor Health Economics; Family Economics; Labour Economics; Ageing; Applied Microeconometrics Billede af Mette Gørtz
Torben Heien Nielsen Associate Professor - Promotion Programme Health Behaviors; Health and Mortality Inequalities; Retirement and Savings; Health Measurement; Health Care Suppliers Billede af Torben Heien Nielsen

Funded by:

Novo Nordisk Fondens logo

Project: Behavioral responses to health innovations and the consequences for socioeconomic outcomes

Period: January 2018 – December 2021


Principal investigator: Mette Gørtz

External members:

Name Title Phone E-mail
Itzik Fadlon Assistant professor University of California San Diego E-mail
Stefanie Schurer Professor University of Sydney E-mail
Jonathan Skinner Professor Dartmouth




Fadlon, Itzik, and Torben Heien Nielsen (Forthcoming). Family Labor Supply Responses to Severe Health Shocks: Evidence from Danish Administrative Records. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics.

Mette Ejrnæs and Thomas Jørgensen (2020): Family Planning in a Life‐Cycle Model with Income Risk, forthcoming in Journal of Applied Econometrics.

Gørtz, Mette, Noel Brewer, Peter Reinhard Hansen and Mette Ejrnæs (2020): The contagious nature of a vaccine scare: How the introduction of HPV vaccination lifted and eroded MMR vaccination in Denmark. Vaccine.

Kreiner, Claus, T., and Hans Henrik Sievertsen (2020): Neonatal health of parents and cognitive development of children. Journal of Health Economics, 69.

Gensowski, Miriam, Mette Gørtz, and Stefanie Schurer: Personality Dynamics over the Lifecourse. CEBI Working Paper 16/2020.

Attanasio, Orazio P., and Torben Heien Nielsen (2020): Econonomic Resources, Mortality and Inequality. CEBI Working Paper 06/2020.

Settele, Sonja, and Cortnie Shupe (2020): Lives or livelihoods? Perceived Tradeoffs and Public Demand for Pharmaceutical Interventions CEBI Working Paper 17/20.

Laird, Jessica, Nick Fabrin Nielsen and Torben Heien Nielsen (2020): Differential Effects of the Timing of Divorce on Children’s Outcomes: Evidence from Denmark. CEBI Working paper 11/20.

Kristiansen, Ida Lykke (2020): Short- and Long-Term Consequences of Serious Parental Health Shocks. CEBI Working Paper 10/20.

Garcia Miralles, Esteban, and Miriam Gensowski (2020): Are Children's Socio-Emotional Skills Shaped by Parental Health Shocks? Conference paper / CEBI Working Paper.

Frederik Plesner Lyngse (2020): Essays in Health Economics: Supply and Demand. PhD thesis, University of Copenhagen, Department of Economics.

Hirani, Jonas Lau-Jensen (2020): Universal Child Policies, Child Development and Parental Behavior. PhD thesis, University of Copenhagen, Department of Economics.


Fadlon, Itzik, and Torben Heien Nielsen (2019). Family Health Behaviors. American Economic Review.

Nielsen, Nick F., Amanda Gaulke, Tine M. Eriksen, Jannet Svensson and Niels Skipper (2019): Socioeconomic Inequality in Metabolic Control Among Children With Type 1 Diabetes: A Nationwide Longitudinal Study of 4,079 Danish Children. Diabetes Care.

Skipper, Niels, Amanda Gaulke, Stine Møller Sildorf, Tine M. Eriksen, Nick Fabrin Nielsen, Jannet Svensson (2019): Association of Type 1 Diabetes With Standardized Test Scores of Danish Schoolchildren. Journal of the American Medical Association.

Nielsen, Nick F. (2019): Sick of Retirement? Journal of Health Economics, 65:133-152.

Gensowski, Miriam; Nielsen, Torben Heien; Nielsen, Nete Munk; Rossin-Slater, Maya; Wüst, Miriam (2019): Childhood Health Shocks, Comparative Advantage, and Long-Term Outcomes: Evidence from the Last Danish Polio Epidemic. Journal of Health Economics.

Serena, Benjamin Ly (2019): Cognitive Consequences of Iodine Deficiency in Adolescence: Evidence from Salt Iodization in Denmark. CEBI Working Paper 04/19.

Nielsen, Nick Fabrin (2019): Empirical essays at the intersection of economics, health and education. PhD thesis, University of Copenhagen, Department of Economics. March 2019.

Serena, Benjamin Ly (2019): Essays in Health Economics - Measurement and Policy. PhD thesis, University of Copenhagen, Department of Economics. March 2019.


Kreiner, Claus T., Torben Heien Nielsen and Benjamin Ly Serena (2018): Role of Income mobility for the measurement of inequality in life expectancy, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.