Centre for Computational Economics (CCE)

Data sources are emerging that present exciting new possibilities but also fundamental challenges due to their extreme size and high dimensionality. Realizing this potential requires new theory, new models and new methods, breaking new ground at the intersection of microeconomic and microeconometric theory, supported by mathematics and computer science.

Python codes. Photo: Pixabay

We aim to answer methodological questions such as: How do we solve and estimate discrete choice models with infinitely many discrete alternatives? How do we model information processing and decisions with massive data? How do we solve and estimate dynamic games with multiple equilibria? How do we structurally estimate large-scale dynamic equilibrium models?

We apply these methodologies in a diverse set of areas, including transportation economics, environmental economics, urban economics, industrial organization, and health economics.









The Centre is headed by professors Mogens Fosgerau and Bertel Schjerning involving both permanent faculty and PhD students from the department of economics.  

CCE’s main activities are dedicated seminars, meetings, workshops, incoming visits, and PhD courses. CCE also provides access to computational facilities. Our associated members join us from universities both within Denmark and abroad and share our interest in theory and applications at the intersection of micro-economics, micro-econometrics, mathematics, computer science - often using very high-dimensional models. 

CCE supports research in all areas of structural micro-econometrics and computational economics and provides computational facilities and a forum for Danish researchers to interact and conduct research.









The seminars covers topics from all research fields in structural econometrics and computational economics including theoretical, empirical, methodological issues.

If you would like to give a talk or if you have additional ideas on topics you think others should talk about, please write to Bertel Schjerning or Mogens Fosgerau.
































Research at CCE has been supported by several research grants from, for example, the Danish Council for Independent Research, The European Research Council, Innovation Fund Denmark, Economic Policy Research Network, as well as the Department of Economics at the University of Copenhagen. 

Project: Centre for Computational Economics
Founded in:  September 2015



Many economic and econometric problems are too complex to study analytically or express in closed-form, but must be analyzed numerically using computers and numerical methods. To address this challenge, we teach a series of courses that use computer programming, numerical analysis, applied mathematics, econometrics, data analysis and economic modeling in order for the candidates to be able to solve, simulate and estimate sophisticated and computationally demanding economic models.

We are engaged in teaching and supervision both at the economics programme as well as the interdisciplinary bachelor’s programmes in Computer Science & Economics (CS-ECON link: https://studier.ku.dk/bachelor/datalogi-oekonomi/ ) as well as Mathematics & Economics (MAT-ECON). Core members at the CCE have been driving forces in developing the CS-ECON programme in collaboration with the Department of Computer Science (DIKU link: https://di.ku.dk/). 

Concrete examples of teaching include: 

  • Advanced Microeconometrics 
  • Dynamic Programming 
  • Econometrics B (CS-ECON)
  • Microeconomics B (CS-ECON)
  • Statistics & Probability Theory (CS-ECON) 
  • Microeconomics 1 (MAT-ECON)
  • Advanced Macroeconomics: Heterogenous Agent Models
  • Household Behavior over the Life Cycle
  • Introduction to Programming and Numerical Analysis






Name Title Job responsibilities Image
Anders Munk-Nielsen Associate Professor Empirical Industrial Organization; Structural Microeconometrics; Health Economics; Discrete Choice; Transportation Economics Billede af Anders Munk-Nielsen
Bertel Schjerning Professor Dynamic Discrete Choice Models; Dynamic Equilibrium Models; Dynamic Games with Multiple Equilibria; Computational Methods; Structural Estimation Billede af Bertel Schjerning
Frederik Brandt PhD Fellow Microeconomics, discrete choice, mathematics, economics of transportation, climate Billede af Frederik Brandt
Hannes Ullrich Associate Professor Empirical Industrial Organization, Health Economics, Personnel Economics, Discrete Choice Billede af Hannes Ullrich
Jeppe Druedahl Associate Professor Macroeconomic Questions; Models with Uncertainty and Heterogeneity; Micro-level Data; Computational Methods Billede af Jeppe Druedahl
Jesper Riis-Vestergaard Sørensen Assistant Professor - Tenure Track Econometric analysis of cross section and panel data; high-dimensional estimation; generalized entropy models; discrete choice models Billede af Jesper Riis-Vestergaard Sørensen
Jonas Slaathaug Hansen PhD Fellow Empirical industrial organization; Applied Microeconomics; Structural Estimation Billede af Jonas Slaathaug Hansen
Maria Juul Hansen Assistant Professor Structural microeconometrics, dynamic programmering, urban economics, location choice, labour economics Billede af Maria Juul Hansen
Mette Ejrnæs Professor Applied Micro Econometrics; Income/earnings Processes; Consumption; Foster Care and Unemployment Insurance Billede af Mette Ejrnæs
Michael Allan Ribers Assistant Professor Health Economics; Dynamic Discrete Choice; Structural Microeconometrics Billede af Michael Allan Ribers
Mogens Fosgerau Professor Economics of Transportation; Congestion; Information and Entropy; Discrete Choice Econometrics Billede af Mogens Fosgerau
Nikolaj Moll Lund PhD Fellow Network Formation; Structural Econometrics; Peer Effects Billede af Nikolaj Moll Lund
Nikolaj Nielsen Postdoc Microeconometrics, dynamic programming, economics of education, discrete choice econometrics, demand estimation Billede af Nikolaj Nielsen
Thomas Høgholm Jørgensen Associate Professor Household decision making, structural estimation and applied microeconometrics. Billede af Thomas Høgholm Jørgensen


Bertel Schjerning
Department of Economics
Phone: +45 35 32 30 65
Mail: bertel.schjerning@econ.ku.dk

Administrative assistant/web:
Christel Brink Hansen
Phone: (+45) 35 32 30 17