Perturbed utility stochastic traffic assignment

Research output: Working paperPreprint


This paper develops a fast algorithm for computing the equilibrium assignment with the perturbed utility route choice (PURC) model. Without compromise, this allows the significant advantages of the PURC model to be used in large-scale applications. We formulate the PURC equilibrium assignment problem as a convex minimization problem and find a closed-form stochastic network loading expression that allows us to formulate the Lagrangian dual of the assignment problem as an unconstrained optimization problem. To solve this dual problem, we formulate a quasi-Newton accelerated gradient descent algorithm (qN-AGD*). Our numerical evidence shows that qN-AGD* clearly outperforms a conventional primal algorithm as well as a plain accelerated gradient descent algorithm. qN-AGD* is fast with a runtime that scales about linearly with the problem size, indicating that solving the perturbed utility assignment problem is feasible also with very large networks.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2023

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ID: 375681885