Frikk wins cesifo affiliate award
Scientific originality, policy relevance and the quality of exposition of his paper results in award to Frikk Nesje.
Frikk Nesje received The distinguished cesifo AFFILIATE AWARD on the 5th of March 2022 for his paper Cross-Dynastic Intergenerational Altruism.
In Frikk's own abstract words the content of the paper is this:
I study whether saving behavior reveals socially relevant intertemporal preferences. To this end, I decompose the present generation’s preference for the next into its dynastic and cross-dynastic components in a model of saving. If people are concerned about the next generation as such, then they might assign welfare weights on other dynasties. With such cross-dynastic intergenerational altruism, saving for one’s descendants benefits present members of other dynasties. These preference externalities imply that socially relevant intertemporal preferences cannot be inferred from saving behavior.
Numerically, I show that even “small” preferences for the next generation as such can lower the efficient discount rate by 20% to 40%, as compared to Nordhaus’ calibration.
Awards in line up for Frikk
It is not the first time Frikk is rewarded for his outstanding results. In September he received H.M The Kings Gold Medal and a few months before, in the summer, he was the awarded Best Dissertation by the European Association of Environment & Resource Economists.