Department Dignity
Aiming at high academic levels we take off from a foundation of a positive environment. We have collected a catalogue of Ambitions representing our continuous focus on ensuring an inclusive, welcoming, diverse, professional, and respectful culture at the Department for Economics.
The Department of Economics stands for research at a high international level, research-based teaching and a contribution to the international and Danish debate on economic policy.
Our study programme in economics attracts bright young people who get one of the best educations in economics in Europe, who then either contribute to the community around us or choose the research route.
The ambitions and the following objectives are the outcome of Project Dignity.
Project Dignity was initiated by The Faculty of Social Sciences to ensure that we provide a work and study environment free from discrimination and harassment.
The initiative was implemented across all five departments throughout 2021. It has been a key component that students and employees have been involved in each stage of the process.