Heritagising Asian Cities: Space, memory, and vernacular heritage practices

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  • Oscar Salemink
Urban visions of modernity and nostalgia constitute two competing visions of the good life in Asia, which are both materialised in urban
neighbourhoods. When and where old historic neighbourhoods are not razed to be replaced by highrises, modern residential blocks and shopping malls but instead retained, it is often under the banner of heritage. This theme section considers heritagization of Asian cities against the backdrop of modernisation and (sub)urbanisation, in articles focusing on
Kolkata, Beijing, Hanoi and Taipei. The articles explore local people’s multiple experiences within lived environments in terms of modernity
and heritage, not so much by focusing on how different visions of modernity and nostalgia are materialised through the label of heritage, but by describing and analysing the modalities of such nostalgia among different groups of people, as expressed and mediated in different forms and practices. We propose to capture the diverse cognitive, memorial, affective, emotional and imaginative aspects of heritage on the part of the people living with that heritage in terms of vernacular heritage, which we define as cultural heritage that is conceived, perceived, experienced, imagined and practiced by different groups of ‘lay people’ with varying
connections to specific heritage sites, environments and practices.
Original languageEnglish
JournalInternational Journal of Heritage Studies
Issue number8
Pages (from-to)769-776
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2021
Event8th International Asian Dynamics Initiative Conference -
Duration: 20 Jun 201623 Jun 2016


Conference8th International Asian Dynamics Initiative Conference
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ID: 257874494