The perception of aquaculture on the Swedish West Coast

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


  • Jean-Baptiste Thomas
  • Leif Jonas Nordström
  • Emma Risén
  • Maria E. Malmström
  • Fredrik Gröndahl
Efforts are on the way on the Swedish West Coast to develop the capacity for cultivation of marine resources, notably of kelps. Given that this is a region of
great natural and national heritage, public opposition to marine developments has been identified as a possible risk factor. This survey thus sought to shed light on awareness levels, perceptions of different types of aquaculture and on reactions to a scenario depicting future aquaculture developments on the West Coast. When asked about their general opinions of aquaculture, respondents tended to be favourable though a majority chose neutral responses. On the whole, respondents were favourable to the depicted scenario. Finally, it was found that the high-awareness group tended to be more supportive than the low or medium-awareness groups, hinting at the benefits of increasing awareness to reduce public aversion and to support a sustainable development of aquaculture on the Swedish West Coast.
Original languageEnglish
Issue number4
Pages (from-to)398–409
Number of pages12
Publication statusPublished - 2018

    Research areas

  • Aquaculture - Bioeconomy, Blue growth , Macroalgae, Perception survey, Social acceptability , Seaweeds

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ID: 183869840